IMPLEMENTATION OF INDEPENDENCE DEVELOPMENT FOR PRISONERS IN NARCOTICS COMMUNITY INSTITUTION BASED ON LAW NUMBER 22 OF 2022 CONCERNING COMMUNITY (Study at the Jakarta Class IIA Narcotics Correctional Institution for the period 1 December 2022 to 30 December 2023)


  • Rahmat Syaefulloh Author
  • Subhan Zein Sgn Author
  • Nunuk Sulisrudatin Author


Criminal Act, Criminal Liability, Punishment, Lapas, Prisoner


Fostering independence in the correctional system has the hope of producing something beneficial for prisoners and society as a whole. Providing skills to prisoners so that they will be equipped to return to life in society when they have finished serving their sentence. In this research, we will discuss the Arrangements for the Development of Independence for Prisoners at the Class IIA Jakarta Narcotics Correctional Institution and the Implementation of the Development for the Independence of Prisoners at the Class IIA Jakarta Narcotics Correctional Institution (Period 1 December 2022 to 1 December 2023). The legal research method used is a normative juridical legal research method supported by empirical data. Using the Legal Approach and Concept Approach obtained from primary, secondary and tertiary legal material sources. The development of convicts in Narcotics Correctional Institutions is actually no different from prisoners in other prisons, basically it still refers to the development of convicts in general and is based on Corrections Law no. 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections, the aim of which is to form convicts to become fully human, aware of their mistakes, so that they can be accepted again by society. Implementation of Self-Reliance Development includes Handicrafts, Fish Farming, Hair Barbers, Culinary, Clothes Washing or Laundry, Calligraphy, Rubber, Welding, Carpentry, Sewing and Bakery or Bread Making


